The miraculous story of Jesus’ birth doesn’t end at the stable. That is where it all starts. After Jesus is born His parents now have the immense task of caring for Jesus. They need to protect Him from Herod, figure out where to live, and much more. The first angelic visits were just the beginning! An angel warns Joseph to take Jesus to Egypt and then gives details about when to return to Judea. Listen in as Blaze McEntee teaches from Matthew 2 and describes our need to find joy in worshipping the newborn king this year.
For many people Christmas is about the gifts, the parties, the sweaters, and the holiday food. But what if Christmas is really about the birth of Jesus? Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Luke 2:1-20. Instead of focusing on the details like the location of Jesus’ birth, the name of Bethlehem, coming in the line of David, and all of the other details, he focused on something different. We will look at the “why” questions that we all ask: “Why was Jesus born in a stable?”, “Why was the message revealed to shepherds?” and “Why did the shepherds tell others?”
What comes to mind when you heard the word obedience? For some people, the first thing that comes to mind is disobedience! This week, in Family Portraits, we are looking at Joseph. Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus. This shows how much God trusted Joseph to care for His only Son. God could have chosen any couple; any mother and father to rear Jesus, but He choose Joseph. The news that Mary was pregnant must have been devastating to Joseph, but he handles it extraordinarily well. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on how God leads us best when we obey Him most from Matthew 1:18-25.
Similar to the fun surprises that await during a White Elephant gift exchange, the Christmas Story in the Bible is full of surprises! Listen in as Pastor Doug Colby, from Ventura Missionary Church, shares with us all the unexpected people, events and details that are nothing like we would expect. These details are just one part of what makes the nativity of Jesus one of the most beautiful stories in all of human history.
Christmas is right around the corner! This Christmas we’re starting a brand new series looking at different people who would have been present in the early days of Jesus’ life on earth. We begin this series by looking at Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary was a teenager when the angel Gabriel visited her. He gave her a four-fold angelic message that would serve a prophetic word about Jesus and His time on earth. At the conclusion of this meeting Mary offers a great line that she is surrendered to the plans of God. Oh, that we would follow in her example and surrender our life to God this Christmas. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Luke 1:26-38 on how God uses surrendered people for His greater picture.
In Hebrews 9, the author continues to use the example of the original tabernacle to teach us about the ministry of Jesus. We quickly learn that the ministry of Jesus is heavenly and that He is ministering in a heavenly temple. We also learn that the ministry of Jesus is effective against sin. The old sacrifices could only cover sin, not cleanse our sin. Jesus’ blood had to be shed for the new covenant to be put in place which means it was a costly sacrifice. Because Jesus died, we can be assured that His ministry is final and complete. There is forgiveness of sin and an eternal hope to look forward to. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches that redemption is found through the blood of Jesus.
Have you ever left out or not allowed in a place? In the Old Testament, only the High Priest was allowed into the Most Holy Place to meet with God, and he was only allowed in once a year to atone for the sins of the people. Imagine only being able to enter the presence of God once a year. Then came Jesus. Jesus gave His life and His blood, for the forgiveness of our sins. Through His sacrifice we can freely enter the presence of God. Our response to that must be worship! Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Hebrews 9:1-10 and teaches us how we worship Jesus because of who He is and what He has done.
This week in our Hebrews sermon series, the author of Hebrews continues to elaborate on the high priestly ministry of Jesus. Like the ministry of Melchizedek, Jesus’s high priestly ministry is superior to that of the high priests who ministered in the Jewish temple. Jesus is a better high priest, who oversees a better covenant, fulfilling Jeremiah’s prophecy about a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). This new covenant not only makes the old covenant obsolete but introduces followers of Jesus to new and wonderful realities of life with God (eternal life). Listen in as Pastor Doug Meye teaches from Hebrews 8.
Are you good with names? In Hebrews 7 we get a lesson about a guy named Melchizedek. He is unlike anyone we’ve ever studied in the Bible. He is a King and a Priest - but not just an ordinary priest, an eternal priest. He is similar to Jesus but not Jesus. This more cerebral chapter in Scripture requires us to think deeply about Scripture and theological topics. Make sure to open your time in prayer before listening to the sermon, and then jump into Hebrews 7 with us as Pastor Neal Benson teaches us how Jesus is unlike anyone who has come before Him!
In the later part of Hebrews 6, we read about Jesus being greater than Abraham. The author reminds us about the patience Abraham exhibited while waiting for God to fulfill His promise of making him into a great nation. It didn’t happen overnight. The author used the example of Abraham because some of the early church believers were considering abandoning their faith. They needed to learn to wait patiently on the Lord as they went through the spiritual maturation process. Like the early church, we sometimes abandon things too quickly and miss out on the work God wants to do in our lives. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on waiting patiently for God to fulfill His promises.