What makes worship truly life-giving? Psalm 95 invites us to explore the heart of worship—what it means to respond to God’s grace, greatness, and goodness together as His people. This Sunday, discover why worship is more than just a routine and how it can transform not just an hour but every moment of your week. Come ready to be inspired and challenged as we dive into the beauty and depth of worship.
In this message, Pastor Neal Benson explores how the church is uniquely called to serve others, reflecting Christ’s love to the world. Using Matthew 25:31-40, he highlights Jesus’ invitation to serve “the least of these,” emphasizing the profound impact of even small acts of kindness done with great love. He also unpacks Romans 12:6-8 and Ephesians 4:11-12 to illustrate the diversity of gifts within the church and the importance of using them to build up the body of Christ. Pastor Neal challenges listeners to embrace their responsibility to serve both within the church and in their communities. Serving not only fulfills God’s calling but also deepens relationships and strengthens the church’s mission as a living organism created for God’s purposes.
Join us as Kirk Mackie explores Mark 5:1-20, diving into a powerful story that highlights Jesus' transformative work and His call to mission. Through vivid examples and a challenging cultural lens, this message encourages listeners to embrace a life on mission wherever they live, learn, work, and play. Perfect for those seeking to deepen their faith and understand how to navigate today's complex cultural landscape.
Humans were not created to live in solitude but to thrive in community. This Sunday, Pastor Neal Benson kicks off a new sermon series called The Church. In this sermon, we explore the biblical foundation for relationships, highlighting how God designed us for connection from the very beginning (Genesis 2:18). Through stories of deep friendships, such as those between David and Jonathan and Paul and Barnabas, we learn the value of life-giving relationships rooted in Christ. The early church modeled authentic community through shared worship, prayer, and purpose (Acts 2:42–47). Discover how you can experience deeper spiritual growth and joy by engaging in meaningful connections within the church.
Check out this one off message on Coastline's core values taught by a couple of our Coastline Elders!
Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, presents, laughter, and meals. This Christmas Eve, we celebrate the greatest birth story ever, the story that changed history as we know it. Many people think of December as the month leading up to Christmas: a time filled with decorating, shopping, and parties … and often a time of exhaustion. For those who celebrate the birth of Jesus, though, this season brings another dimension. It is the season of Advent: a time for preparing our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior. It’s a season of inward preparation, calling us to listen and to stop, however briefly, all the frantic holiday preparations to experience the holy. This Advent season, be inspired to embrace your role as an ambassador for Jesus, bringing hope and love to others. If you’ve ever felt unworthy or out of place, this message will remind you that the Gospel truly is for everyone.
We are in full swing of the Christmas season. Christmas is a time for laughter, gifts, good meals, and being with family. In Matthew 1:1–17, we read about the unexpected people in Jesus' genealogy. Through the stories of Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth, we see God’s redemptive power at work in the broken, the bold, and the outsider. Discover how Jesus came not just for the faithful but also for the flawed, reminding us that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace.
Two thousand years ago, on an ordinary night in the fields of Bethlehem, shepherds experienced an extraordinary moment that would echo through history. As they tended their flocks under the vast, quiet sky, they were suddenly interrupted by angels announcing the birth of the Messiah—a message that transformed an unremarkable evening into a pivotal moment of hope and joy. The proclamation brought with it the promise of peace and a joy that transcended immediate circumstances. What those shepherds heard that night was more than just news; it was a profound declaration that something fundamentally life-changing had entered the world—a message that continues to resonate with the same depth and potential even now, two thousand years later.
We live in a world where accidents happen, heart surgeries take place, and relationships break up on a regular basis. It’s situations like this where peace lacks in our lives. It’s in moments like these that we need the peace of Jesus. Jesus brings us a peace that surpasses all understanding. In our passage today, we’re going to look at three different responses to the birth of Jesus. We’ll see that Herod responded with fury, the religious leaders responded with knowledge, and the Magi came to worship Him. As we look at these different vignettes, ask yourself who you most relate to this Christmas season. Ask yourself if you’re allowing the Prince of Peace to bring you peace or if you find yourself stressed this month. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Matthew 2:1-12 on how peace is found at the feet of Jesus.
Christmas might just be the best time of the year. It’s when families gather around the table, loved ones reconnect, and kids rejoice during their school break. More than that, it’s a time to slow down, take a breath, and reflect on the incredible love of God. Amid all the celebrations, Christmas reminds us of the greatest gift we’ve ever received: the arrival of Jesus. This Sunday, we’re kicking off a brand-new sermon series titled He Is Worthy. As we move closer to Christmas, we’ll be exploring the powerful themes of Advent. This week, Pastor Neal Benson taught on Luke 2:22–35, focusing on the hope we find in Christ.