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  • Date Preached:  April 1, 2018
  • Series: Awake: Discovering Life in Christ
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Matthew 28:1-15
  • There are power in the words we say and in the words we hear. The phrase, “He is risen!” has impacted more lives than we can count. On Easter Sunday, many of you are here wondering if Jesus really rose from the dead. Did Jesus really calm the waves, heal the broken and accept the rejected? You’re longing to know if the resurrection story is true. Listen in as Neal teaches from Matthew 28:1-15 and talks about how we find life in the resurrection of Jesus. 

  • Date Preached:  March 25, 2018
  • Series: Awake: Discovering Life in Christ
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 1:1-11
  • The best response we can have for Jesus is worshiping Him with our actions and our life. There are going to be many people in our world that are given the name king. Rock stars, pop stars, politicians and athletes will be called king. Listen in as Neal reminds us there is only one who is the King of Kings. He is ruler of all things. Jesus is the one you want to be found worshiping and the one you want to obey and please.

  • Date Preached:  March 18, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 28:11-31
  • Dream about a church that unleashes the love of God in such a compelling way that people want to be a part of it. Dream about a church who reaches pimps, plumbers, teachers, barbers, electricians, politicians, parents, kids, students and people of every walk of life. Dream about a church that is so united they meet regularly for prayer, fasting and give away their possession. That is the church in Acts. In this sermon Neal preaches from Acts 28:11-31 and talks about how the gospel is for everyone.

  • Date Preached:  March 11, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 27:1-10
  • Many of us have the tendency to speak metaphorically about storms when describing life situations. We talk about making it through the storm or how we’re in the middle of a tough storm. Storms have a way of revealing our character. Storms can make us or break us. Storms test us and require us to dig deep into what is happening in our life. Listen in as Neal teaches on Acts 27 and the first part of Acts 28. Paul and his companions find themselves in a storm but trust God to lead them through it. 

  • Date Preached:  March 4, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 26:1-32
  • One of the reasons the early church experienced such explosive growth is because believers thought it was better to please God than to please others. In Acts 26 Paul shares his story with a King! Yep, a humble Jewish man gets to tell a king about the love of God and the promised Messiah. Paul’s faith in Christ inspires each of us to live a life like his. Paul’s passion to share about Christ motivates us to tell others about Jesus. Listen in as Neal talks about how we all need to be ready to share our faith. 

  • Date Preached:  February 25, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Chris Hall
  • Scripture: Acts 25:1-27
  • Have you ever felt like you're in a boring chapter of your life? If so, you're in good company. Listen in as guest speaker, Chris Hall, gives us some encouragement from Paul's boring chapter in Acts 25.

  • Date Preached:  February 18, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 24:1-27
  • Five days ago Paul was taken from Jerusalem to Caesarea where he is bound in chains and awaiting a trial. His Jewish opponents bring out all the stops against him. Paul calmly defends himself and speaks truth when false accusations fly. In the midst of this,  a Governor makes a non-decision for Christ. Listen in as Neal teaches about how to “Hurry Up and Wait” from Acts 24. 

  • Date Preached:  February 11, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 23:12-35
  • Most recently, Paul has been focused on making it to Jerusalem. Upon his arrival, he is welcomed by the brothers in the church, but the next week he is almost killed in the temple courts and arrested under false accusations. In our Bible passage this morning we’re going to see that Paul’s life is once again in danger. Listen in as Neal preaches a sermon titled our Ever Protective God on Acts 23:12-35.  

  • Date Preached:  February 4, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Mike Lovato
  • Scripture: Acts 22:30-11
  • Guest speaker, Mike Lovato joins us this week! Listen in as he continues our Acts series with a message about staying courageous in the face of chaos.

  • Date Preached:  January 28, 2018
  • Series: Acts: The Story Continues
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Acts 21:17-29
  • Think of the pain that rumors cause. Reputations are ruined by rumors. Marriages are destroyed by miscommunication, relationships are severed with poor information and churches are destroyed by the small spark of a lie. When you think about your life, how have rumors hurt you? Maybe you’ve been the victim of a painful rumor. We’ve all seen the personal impact of how rumors impact our lives, our family, a loved one or in some cases, the local church. Listen in this week as Paul experiences a number of misunderstandings in Jerusalem but lives boldly in Christ. 

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