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  • Date Preached:  May 26, 2019
  • Series: Ruth: A Redemption Story
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Ruth 2
  • No matter how dark your life is today, God can provide for your needs, and no matter how destitute you feel, God can restore the hope you've lost. Ruth chapter 2 is an study on the character of God and His heart for those in need as seen through Boaz’s concern for the poor.  His example should prompt us to also have a heart for the poor. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on how God guides us even when we don’t perceive it. 

  • Date Preached:  May 19, 2019
  • Series: Ruth: A Redemption Story
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Ruth 1
  • We’re launching a brand new sermon series on the book of Ruth. There are two ways to approach this book; we could read the book in one sitting or take four weeks to walk through it. This time we’re going to take four weeks so we can really study this story of redemption. The book of Ruth is one of two books in the entire Bible that are named after women. If you feel like God has forgotten you today, I invite you to open your heart to the Lord. Allow the Savior to whisper His love story in your ear. This book is proof that God never forgets about His people. Our story might not go how we want it to, but God doesn’t forget about us. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Ruth 1 on how God offers us companionship in times of bitterness. 

  • Date Preached:  May 12, 2019
  • Series: Compassion
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Exodus 2:1-10
  • The story in Exodus 2 really begins in Exodus 1. The Israelites had been living in Egypt for over 400 years in horrible, oppressive conditions. Pharaoh gives an order for all baby, Israelite, boys to be killed at birth. In the next verse, Moses is born. In the next chapter, we see the heart of God through the compassion of three women. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson shares about how three women refused to obey Pharaoh and saved the life of a fine young child. Because of their example, we learn to not turn our back on those in need. 

  • Date Preached:  May 5, 2019
  • Series: Compassion
  • Speaker: Jason Sowell
  • Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13
  • Listen in as guest speaker, Jason Sowell of Current Initiatives, continues our Compassion sermon series with a message about what loving our neighbor really looks like from Matthew 9:9-13. 

  • Date Preached:  April 28, 2019
  • Series: Compassion
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
  • What do you do when a hostile person questions you in front a group of people? Jesus calmly responded to questions with questions. In Luke 10:25-37 we read that Jesus used a short story to help the expert in the law understand a spiritual point. Jesus longs for each of us to live a life filled with compassion and to extend that to others. There are many times we’ve asked the wrong question and needed to be corrected. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson shares about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and what Coastline is doing to serve Ventura County. 

  • Date Preached:  April 21, 2019
  • Series: Compassion
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: John 20
  • It was a cold morning when some of the people closest to Jesus woke up. They headed to the tomb where His body lay. A problem arose, His body was gone! The stone was rolled away not so Jesus could get out but so they could look in. In the darkest hour they had experienced Jesus met them. Jesus met Mary at the tomb and she found life. Jesus met the disciples in a locked room and brought them peace. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Neal Benson kicks off our brand new sermon series, “Compassion.” Listen in as he preaches from John 20 on how Jesus came to bring us comfort and peace. 

  • Date Preached:  April 14, 2019
  • Series: Brand New: The Book of Colossians
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Colossians 4:2-18
  • Colossians was a letter written to a group of Jesus followers living in Asia Minor. Paul and his companion, Timothy, are the wrote this letter to a church they didn’t start but longed to see grow in the grace and goodness of Jesus. The primary reason for the letter was to address the false teaching that was infiltrating the growing church. Paul wrote the truth about Jesus and what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. He encouraged the church to be unified and continue a life of prayer and dedication to Jesus. He even reshaped household dynamics under the leadership of Jesus. In this final sermon, Pastor Neal Benson will share from Colossians 4:2-18 about making the most of every opportunity that comes your way. 

  • Date Preached:  April 7, 2019
  • Series: Brand New: The Book of Colossians
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Colossians 3:18-4:1
  • In Colossians 3:18-4:1, Paul redefines the Roman household around the love of Jesus. Listen in as Pastor Neal speaks about what happens when a person allows Jesus to be the Lord of their home. This sermon has the power to reshape your family life, and this text has the power to rewire your heart for the things of God and the plans that He has for your life.

  • Date Preached:  March 31, 2019
  • Series: Brand New: The Book of Colossians
  • Speaker: Hylke Hylkema
  • Scripture: Colossians 3:1-17
  • Our transformation through Christ is explicitly linked to our understanding of Jesus and our identity in Him.  The transforming power of Jesus challenges our morality, shapes our relationships, and drives our Christian community.  Listen in as guest speaker, Hylke Hylkema, continues the Colossians series with a message about how to align our lives with our identity in Christ. 

  • Date Preached:  March 24, 2019
  • Series: Brand New: The Book of Colossians
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Colossians 2:6-23
  • The letter to the church of Colossae was written to help them combat false teaching that had snuck into the church. In Colossians 2:6-23, The Apostle Paul reminds the church how important it is to be rooted and built up in Jesus. Paul then moves to speak the truth about the Deity of Jesus. Finally, Paul gives two warnings to the church about false teaching and the negative impact it will have. Listen in as Pastor Neal teaches about being alive in Christ. 

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