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  • Date Preached:  October 13, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Mark Miele
  • Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
  • Do you ever feel like you're in the middle of a storm and Jesus is sleeping? If so, you're in good company. In this week's text from Mark 4, we'll look at the disciples reaction to Jesus sleeping during a storm, and learn that no matter what situation we're facing, Jesus' love and presence remain constant.

  • Date Preached:  October 6, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 4:1-34
  • In Mark 4 we read a handful of parables from Jesus. Parables are a way to teach eternal truths through stories of everyday life that appeal to everyone. They are stories about ordinary things that convey a deeper message. Jesus address the parable of the soil, and speaks about the coming of the Kingdom of God. Jesus was doing a revolutionary thing in the way He taught. Most of the people didn’t understand, but the disciples wanted to dive deeper into the truth of God. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches about how we play a part in growing the Kingdom of God. 

  • Date Preached:  September 29, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 3:7-35
  • The miracles Jesus did drew a crowd and people loved Him, but the religious leaders didn’t know how to categorize Jesus. He broke their rules and associated with people they didn't approve of.  They didn't understand that Jesus came to make the broken whole. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Mark 3:7-35. In this passage we'll observe Jesus' response to the crowds of people that surrounded Him as He ministered.

  • Date Preached:  September 22, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 2:23-3:6
  • We live in a fast-paced, work-filled, and distracted world. The average office worker gets 220 messages a day—emails, phone calls, interruptions, junk email, and ads bombarding them with distractions. But Jesus is the opposite - He offers us rest in Him. In Mark 2:23-3:6 we read two stories about Jesus on the Sabbath. Jesus teaches us that the Sabbath was meant for rest, worship, and showing mercy. Not everyone around Him caught that. In fact, some the religious leaders didn’t think that Jesus should show mercy on the Sabbath. Thankfully, Jesus came to do a new thing and teach us how to live our lives by resting in Him. Listen in as Pastor Neal teaches us that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. 

  • Date Preached:  September 15, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 2:13-22
  • Change seems to be occurring more rapidly than ever. Most people say they're okay with change, but they typically don’t want it in their life. Struggling with change is nothing new. When Jesus walked the earth, what He said and did often didn’t fit into societal norms. Jesus ate with sinners and didn’t fast when everyone else was. This  is because Jesus came to do a new thing. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Mark 2:13-22. 

  • Date Preached:  September 8, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
  • In C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, there is a time in Narnia when the White Witch rules the land. But one day the snow starts melting, birds start singing, and there are rumors that Aslan is back in Narnia. This brings Narnia great joy because Aslan is the rightful king. This illustration reminds me of the beginning of the Gospel of Mark. When Jesus begins His ministry in Israel, exciting things begin happening. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson looks at a memorable story of healing and hope found in Mark 2:1-12. When a paralyzed man is healed by Jesus, it leaves people amazed and talking about the work of God. What kind of miracle do you need God to do in your life? 

  • Date Preached:  September 1, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: R.J. McCauley
  • Scripture: Mark 1:16-45
  • In the second week of our Mark series, we’re going to catch a glimpse of a whirlwind day in the life of Christ. We’ll see Him call his first disciples, teach in the synagogue, hang out at Simon Peter’s house, heal Simon Peter’s mother-in-law along with many others in Capernaum, have an early morning prayer session, and preach God’s Word in nearby towns. There’s nothing routine about His day. We’ll find that to be the case more often than not in Mark’s action-packed narrative of Christ’s life.  Listen in as guest speaker R.J. McCauley, who serves at the Student Ministries Pastor at Magnolia Church in Riverside, speaks on Mark 1:16-45.

  • Date Preached:  August 25, 2019
  • Series: Action: The Gospel of Mark
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Mark 1:1-15
  • While growing up many of us had a sport, TV show, group or toy we loved. We invested time in learning more about that certain sport so we could play to the best of our ability. We made sure to be home every time that TV show was on so we could talk about it with our friends. However, usually something happens like high school graduation, getting older, or perhaps interest in another sport that takes our attention away from our original passion. This applies to Christ followers as well. Many Christ followers start with a passion for Jesus, but that passion can wane and be replaced with passion for something else. If you have a lack of desire for Jesus, this is a great sermon series for you! Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson preaches from Mark 1:1-15. 

  • Date Preached:  August 18, 2019
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture:
  • As of Easter Sunday, our current church vision was completed, and for the past several months we’ve been seeking what God wants next for our church. For decades Coastline has been a pillar in the community. For decades families have been shaped by the love of Jesus, adults have found hope in Christ, and children have had a safe place to learn about a God who loves them. Listen in as Pastor Neal shares a God-sized vision that will bring us to the 100-year anniversary of Coastline in April 2022.

  • Date Preached:  August 11, 2019
  • Series: Wise Up
  • Speaker: Neal Benson
  • Scripture: Proverbs 22
  • Thus far in our Wise-Up sermon series, we’ve talked about the importance of pursuing wisdom and the benefits we gain by applying wisdom in our decision making, in our relationships, and in our faith community. In the final week of our study on Proverbs, we’re going to look at Proverbs 22 and learn about the blessings of being wise with our money.  Listen in as Pastor Neal talks about the burden of debt in comparison to the blessing of giving.

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