Last week, in the first part of John 7 we saw that three different groups of people were confused about Jesus. As we continue in John 7, we’re going to see that Jesus' teaching hasn't cleared up the confusion. As we go through our passage today, keep your eyes open for Jesus' interactions with three groups of people - the crowd, the guards, and the Pharisees. We’re going to see how each of these groups' confusion actually creates more confusion. Yet, amid their confusion, hope arises as many come to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on John 7:25-53 and how when confusion abounds we can look to Jesus for the truth.
In today’s passage different groups of people are talking about Jesus. One of those groups is His family. Jesus’ brothers grew up with Him and saw Him perform miracles. Another group is the religious leaders of the day who saw Jesus heal a lame man. Then there’s the crowd who has secondhand information about Jesus. The common thread amongst these different groups together is that they are all confused about who Jesus really is. Everybody is talking about Jesus, but no one seems to have truthful information about who He is. They are divided, but Jesus reveals the truth to them.
In John 6, Jesus feeds a large crowd and then crosses the Sea of Galilee. When the crowd comes and finds him, He tells them that He is the Bread of Life and that he didn’t come to just give out physical bread but rather offer his flesh and blood so that his people could have eternal life. The various reactions the people had to these statements are primarily characterized by a misunderstanding of Jesus’ use of "bread" as a metaphor. Listen in as Pastor Teller Emmer teaches on John 6:25-71.
After a short break for the summer, we’re resuming our study of the life and ministry of Jesus from the gospel of John. Have you ever experienced or witnessed a miracle? Today, as we look at John 6:1-24, we’re going to see the miraculous power of Jesus at work in feeding a crowd and rescuing the disciples from rough waters. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches that the miraculous power of Jesus meets our every need.
The most complete portrait of heaven in the Bible is found in the book of Revelation, chapters 21-22. The apostle John pulls back the curtain and stretches the limits of language to describe what heaven is like. He tells us that heaven is a real place, a safe place, a big place, and a magnificent place. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Revelation 21 and what it will be like to worship God forever.
This summer we've focused our attention on worshiping God. This should be our daily desire but so many things can distract us from the practice of worship. We get distracted with our annoying neighbor who leaves their trash cans out for days after they’ve been emptied. We get distracted with getting our kids ready for school. We can become so laser focused on getting the next promotion that we miss out on worshiping the Lord.
Today we’re studying a passage in 1 Corinthians that at first glance, might not sound encouraging. The Apostle Paul planted a church in Corinth, and invested eighteen months of his life into the church, but he’s gotten word that things aren’t going so well. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
This summer we’re focusing our entire attention on worshiping God. Today we're building on last week's sermon and looking at a life of praise. Praise and revival aren’t always synonymous, but you can’t have a revival without praise. Praise doesn’t always lead to revival…or does it? Praise can lead to a revival in our heart. Praise can lead to a revival in how we view God. Praise changes the way we interact with God. Praise reminds us of the power of God. Today we’re going to look at a psalm that invites us to praise the Lord, gives us reasons to praise the Lord, and reminds us of the eternal nature of God.
In the fourth week of our Made to Worship series, Pastor Neal Benson, Pastor Teller Emmer, and Becky Shipe share about singing as worship from Psalm 96. The command to worship God through singing isn’t about whether or not we like to sing, whether or not we’re good at singing, or if anyone around us hears us singing. In fact, the command to “sing to the Lord” isn’t about us at all. As humans, we have the amazing propensity to make just about anything, worship included, about ourselves. But, worship is never meant to be self-focused. It’s meant to be God-focused. Listen in to the conversation as Neal, Teller, and Becky teach that we're all created to sing joyfully to the Lord.