We live in a world where most would rather be served than serve. This week's glimpse into the life of Peter takes us to the Upper Room where Jesus and the disciples were celebrating the Passover feast together. During the feast, Jesus takes on the role of a servant and washes the disciples feet. Through this gesture that defied cultural norms, Jesus taught Peter and the rest of the disciples an important lesson about servant leadership. Listen as guest speaker, Joey Ross, teaches that us that to be a leader means to serve and sacrifice.
Peter was the most outspoken of all the disciples. You could call Peter the spokesman or the leader of the disciples. He was the one willing to ask what the others wouldn’t. In our text today we’re going see that Peter asks Jesus about forgiveness. We want to acknowledge that this is a tough topic to look at because all of us have been hurt. Today might feel like surgery for our hearts. Keep in mind that although surgery is hard, it is intended to help us in the long-term. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on the response of forgiveness from Matthew 18:21-35.
Last week we studied the calling of Peter, and this week we will look at one of Peter’s greatest acts of trusting Jesus. Hours before this story takes place the disciples watched Jesus feed thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish. After this miraculous feeding, Jesus instructs the disciples to meet Him on the other side of the lake. The disciples act in obedience, and it leads them right into a treacherous storm. It is in the middle of this storm on of the Sea of Galilee that Jesus comes to them, walking on water. Listen in as Neal Benson teaches on following Jesus into the extraordinary.
FOMO is an acronym standing for the fear of missing out. Millions of people suffer from FOMO on a daily basis. We are attached to our phones, connected to our computers, and focused on what others are doing. Today Pastor Neal Benson kicks off a brand new sermon series called: Flawed but Faithful. For five weeks we’re going to study the life of the disciple Peter. This is going to be a unique sermon series because typically when we read the Bible we are looking for the text to be God-centric; meaning we put God at the center of our focus. But for five-weeks we’re going to focus on the life of Peter. We will see that Peter is human just like us. In Luke 5 we’ll look at Jesus calling him away from the family business to follow Jesus on an epic adventure. Peter teaches us that choosing to follow Jesus gives our life new focus. We don’t have to fear missing out on anything when we follow Jesus.
Someone once said: “A good marriage is not something you find, it’s something you work for.” Marriage was God’s original idea. It was intended for a man and a woman to spend their life committed to each other, but something went horribly wrong when sin entered the world. In Ephesians 5, Paul instructs wives to respect their husbands and husbands to love love their wives. But before he said that he encouraged married couples to submit to each other. It was a radical idea in that time period (and still seems radical today). Listen in as Pastor Neal teaches on how a thriving marriage involves love and mutual submission.
We live in a time where the value of marriage seems to be watered down. There are thousands of people thinking this one question: What’s the key to a lasting marriage? We have to look to God’s word to find the key to success. For those who’ve found love and for those who long to be married there is another question: How do you experience love for a lifetime? You invite God into the center of your relationship, and then do you best to love each other with his kind of love. Listen in as Pastor Doug Meye teaches about finding love for a lifetime.
Today we’re in part two of a four-week sermon series called: Pursue. We’re looking at how the Bible teaches us a better way to love. Studies show us that more couples are cohabitating before marriage. Depending on what study you read, you will find that divorce rates are on the rise or holding steady. Today we’re looking at Romans 13 and talking about living a holy life. God told us to be holy because He is holy. We want to look at what Scripture teaches us about holiness. It doesn’t matter if you’re: single, married, divorced, want to be married, have lost a spouse, or are trying to figure out living a celebrate life we need to learn from Scripture.
Thanks to Valentine's Day, the month of February is all about love. Chocolate, flowers, diamonds, fancy dinners, and cards are all common expressions of love associated with this day. In Matthew 22, we read that the religious leaders tried to trap Jesus with a question. In his response, Jesus does a great job summarizing the 600+ Jewish Laws into one statement. Jesus knew the answer was all about love. He encouraged us to focus on loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves. Due to our past hang-ups, negative interactions, and poor ability to exercise boundaries in our lives, Jesus’ words can be hard to implement in our lives. Listen in as Pastor Neal teaches about loving God and loving others.
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came on the believers in a powerful way. The early church started to spread, lives were changed, and discipleship took place like it had before. As we talk about leaning in to the Holy Spirit, we acknowledge that the Holy Spirit can feel nebulous to many believers. Most people know stories about God or have at least heard of Jesus; however, we tend to know little about the Holy Spirit. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from John 14 on how the Holy Spirit helps us lean in to discipleship.
What comes to mind when you think of worship? Is it singing songs? Is it burning incense to a small statue? Is it kneeling down and bowing low? We all have a different thought on what worship is, but the Bible gives us a clear direction on worship. The Bible teaches us that worship is active; it’s something we participate in. The Bible teaches us that worship belongs to the Lord God; He is the one we are to worship. The Bible teaches us that the entire world is invited to participate in worshipping the Lord. Some of us have gotten off-course, and we need to realign ourselves with the Lord today. Worship does just that. When we worship the Lord it puts what is wrong back to what is right; it redefines the priorities of our lives. Grab your Bible and open to Psalm 96 as Pastor Neal Benson talks about leaning in to worship.