People tell all kinds of lies - white lies, fibs, gossip, half-truths, exaggerations, etc. Lying has almost become socially acceptable. George Orwell once wrote, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Today as we examine the ninth commandment, "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor," we'll discover how lying hurts us and those around us, and we'll learn from the Bible how to be truth-tellers in this world.
When we think about the eighth commandment, it’s fairly simple: “You shall not steal." It almost feels like we didn’t need to teach on it. It seems like we could read those four words and obey them. But humanity is unable to accomplish that. From the beginning of the Bible to the end we see that God’s heart is for us to live a life of integrity. Our sinful hearts are constantly looking for a way to justify our sinful behavior. We try to justify our actions. That is not the goal. The goal is to live a life free of theft. When we steal it hurts others. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Exodus 20:15 and what it’s like to be caught red-handed.
In today's sermon on the seventh commandment, "do not commit adultery," guest speaker Bert Alcorn takes a broader look at marriage and how we can honor it. We'll learn that marriage is not meant to make you happy , but holy. God loves marriage and wants to see marriages thrive through the power of Jesus' work on the cross and the ongoing sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in us.
Many of us may not feel like we with struggle with the sixth commandment, "do not murder," but when we take a closer look, we'll see that this commandment also means dealing with the inner roots of murder such as anger, rage, and jealousy. Watch and listen as guest speaker, Mike Lovato, teaches that our response to this commandment should be to love others.
Today as we continue our summer sermon series, Doug Meye, teaches on the fifth commandment: honor your father and mother. We'll learn what this commandment means, why God gave it, and how Jesus fulfilled it. Ultimately, when we rightly honor our parents, every other relationship goes better.
As we continue to study the Ten Commandments, today we'll take a look at the most ignored commandment: honoring the Sabbath. There are two parts to this commandment. The first is we are to stop working. We are called to work for six days and then rest on the seventh day. But the second part of the commandment is to keep the Sabbath day holy. In the original language ‘Sabbath’ simply means the seventh day of the week. In Jewish culture that day was and still is Saturday. The Sabbath also means to stop or cease. We can’t keep working and keep the Sabbath day holy. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on Exodus 20:8-11. We will learn how honoring the Sabbath invites us to experience God’s holiness.
Has someone ever misused or misrepresented your name? There's something about a name and a reputation that carries significance. In week three of our Tender Commandment series, Coastline Student Ministry Director, Blaze McEntee, teaches on the third commandment: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." Listen in and be encouraged to love and respect God in such a way that intentionally does not misrepresent or misuse His name.
Israel was held captive in Egypt for 430 years. When God removed His people from Egypt, He needed to get the Egypt out of His people, so He gave them the Ten Commandments as a way to set them apart from the rest of the world as His holy people. The second commandment is written to teach us how to not reduce God. It's not concerned with worshipping false gods; it’s concerned with worshipping the One true God falsely. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Exodus 20:4-6 on how our thoughts about God determine our worship of God.
Today we’re kicking off a brand new sermon series on the Ten Commandments. You may or may not know that the Ten Commandments are found in two places in the Bible. Exodus 20 tells how they were originally given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Then in Deuteronomy 5, Moses repeats them for the Israelites before they enter the Promise Land. Many people view the Ten Commandments as something negative. We think if we break just one we’re going straight to hell. God gave us these commands as a way to protect us. They weren’t given to enslave us but to enrich us. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches from Exodus 20:1-3 on how we put God first because of who He is and what He has done.
Looking back, the last year served as a magnifying glass and helped many people re-evaluate the focus of their life and how they spend their time. Think about your life . How did it change? The thesis statement for today is: Your calendar, the apps on your phone, and your bank statement reveal what is most important to you. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches us about how our time and resources show what we value most.