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Small Groups


Coastline’s small groups are on break for the summer!


Please join us for Summer Nights (below) and check back in August for our fall small groups kick off. 

At Coastline, one of our core values is, “We do life together.” Small groups is a major way that happens. Coastline’s small groups are where we gather in community to study the Bible in a safe environment and discuss the issues and challenges of life.  In the context of small groups, Proverbs 27:17 comes to life as “Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”  It’s a place where spiritual growth happens through knowledge and application of God’s Word and where people pray for one another.  We believe that life transformation happens best through small group environments where people experience the love of Christ, care, accountability and belonging through close personal relationships.  






While our small groups are on break for the summer, our Summer Nights Bible Study begins Wednesday, July 10 and will run for six consecutive weeks.


Each week of Summer Nights will feature a time of teaching followed by small group discussion. Summer Nights will be hosted in Room 101, on campus at Coastline Bible Church, from 7:00-8:30 P.M. on Wednesdays from July 10 – August 14. Everyone is welcome (no RSVP necessary, just show up!) 

Parents of teens: this time slot coincides with CSM, so you can drop your student(s) off at youth group in the Family Life Center and join us the Summer Nights gathering. 



Financial Peace University


Are you tired of money stress? Then you’re ready to join more than five million people whose lives have been changed by Financial Peace University (FPU)! This nine-lesson course designed by Dave Ramsey helps you work a plan to nail a budget, defeat debt, and free yourself from money worries! Small group discussions and lessons are all rooted in biblical wisdom and common sense.


Email Dorothy Gibson for more information about the next FPU class!