At Coastline we help people find and follow Jesus.  Loving God and loving others are the two most important things we do. This purpose defines our family of faith. 


We are affiliated with Aspire Network, an association of churches committed to changing their worlds for Christ.


Core Values

We put God first.

Our church is committed to the God of the Bible. He is our ultimate authority. He is the object of our worship. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and live our lives in obedience to its truth.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 22:34-39, 2 Timothy 3:16

We want people to know Jesus. 

Our church does not expect people to seek us, therefore we intentionally pursue people who are far from God. We are committed to doing anything, short of sin, to help people find Jesus. 

Matthew 9:9-13, Mark 5, Luke 15, Acts 2:47

Spiritual growth matters.

We are a fun, welcoming, loving and encouraging church community. We want to help everyone take the next spiritual step to grow in their faith journey. We invest ourselves in the lives of others because we think that developing servant leaders matters.

Deuteronomy 34:9, John 13:34-45, Ephesians 4:11-12, and 2 Timothy 2:2

We are intergenerational.

The church is a community where all ages are welcomed and valued. We believe the church thrives when generations come together. We intentionally create opportunities for interaction and support as we collectively find and follow Jesus.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Psalm 78:4-8, Mark 10:13-16, and Acts 2:44

We do life together.

We believe that God did not create anyone to be alone so we do life together. We think life change happens best in circles rather than in rows. Jesus established the church so that we may help, encourage and love each other as we follow Him.

Genesis 2:18, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:46, Hebrews 10:24-25

Grace happens here.

We understand that we do not deserve the grace of God but God’s grace is experienced and extended to one another here. This is a safe place to meet with God and learn about the great things He has done for each of us.

John 8:1-11, Romans 3:24, Ephesians 2:8, 2 Timothy 1:9

We pray bold prayers

We know that God is awesome and capable, so we make “the big ask” of God in our prayer life. We come to God with a bold list of prayers and take time to actively listen to Him on a regular basis.

1 Samuel 3, Mark 1:35, Acts 12:5, James 5:16

Statement of Faith

We believe in one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  (Genesis 1:1-3, Psalm 90:2, Matthew 28:19, John 1:1)


We believe that God came in the flesh in Jesus Christ, lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to all the law of God, died on the cross to redeem man from the guilt and penalty of sin, and rose from the grave to guarantee eternal life to all believers. (Matthew 1:18-23, Luke 24:36-42, John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 5:21)


We believe that eternal salvation requires a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. On acceptance of Christ, the Holy Spirit enters the believer to become his guarantee of eternal life, his counselor and guide, and the power by which he lives as a Christian. (John 1:12, Ephesians 2:8-9, I Corinthians 12:13)


We believe in the Bible as the divinely inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God and our absolute authority in matters of doctrine and Christian living. (Deuteronomy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17)


We believe the Bible commands believers to participate in two ordinances:

  • Baptism by immersion into the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, upon confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 6:4, Titus 3:5)
  • Communion by the sharing of the bread and the cup regularly by all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22: 14-22, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)


We believe the mission of the church is to proclaim the Gospel and to disciple believers in God’s Word and in their commitment to Him. (Matthew 8, 28:18-20; Mark 5; Acts 16)


We believe in the literal and bodily coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of this age, to take His people, the church, to be with Him for eternity. (Matthew 24:29-31, 25:31-46; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18; Revelation 20:4-6, 11-15)


We believe the Bible speaks clearly about marriage and human sexuality. Because we are all wounded and broken people in need of the healing power of God’s grace in Christ Jesus, and being aware of the confusion of voices pertaining to these issues, the following statements are common understanding; 

  • Marriage: Biblical marriage consists only of a faithful, heterosexual union between one genetic male and one genetic female, and Biblical marriage is the only legitimate and acceptable context for a sexual relationship. (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-8)
  • Human Sexuality: Legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage. Hence, sexual activities outside of marriage (referred to in the New Testament as “porneia”) including but not limited to, adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, and pedophilia are inconsistent with the teaching of the Bible and the Church. Further, lascivious conduct, transgender behavior, and the creation and/or distribution and/or viewing of pornography, are incompatible with the Biblical witness. But, we affirm the Biblical ethic of compassion and availability of God’s grace to all who repent. (Romans 1:22-32)